Diagnosis and treatment of cycle aptrosis.

A flex cycle is a remarkable flex-flex mechanism that has made us sick. Meanwhile, it is very beneficial for disabled people and overweight people who have lost the ability to move. Count how many times during the day you make movements and come to the conclusion that the curve is the most moving part of the ODS. It is no wonder that diseases often choose you as their target.One of these is the gonaprosis or apthrosis of a cyclical cycle.

Knee osteoarthritis

How to identify and treat aptrosis of a cyclical cycle

Knee cycle aptosis is a gradual breakdown of the hyaline cartilage, the thin plate that surrounds the knee.

What is the reason for this?

Gonaptrosis as a result of injury

Due to the complexity of the construction, any inert movement associated with unstable knee rotation, linked to increased physical stress and strain, such injury often accompanies light aircraft and soccer players.

  • Having lost the previous movement for some time, cycling loses its ability.
  • if ye ne bopotcya c voznikayuschimi kontpaktypami (opacnym ykopocheniem paptikylyapnyh cvyazok and muscles), ne ppovodya ppavilnogo peabilitatsionnogo lecheniya c pepvyh dney tpavmy, verily kolegibnopenapena.
  • All of this leads to cartilage wear and early symptoms of aptrosis.

Trauma is not the only reason for pathology.

Internal ethology of aptpose

Collinear cycle aptosis arises from the general background of the deficiency of two important components in the organization:

  • Handpitincylphate, produced by lumps and necessary for maintenance and lubrication
  • Collagena: a fibrillar protein that provides great elasticity and strength
  • Pain and crackling when riding a bike during movement and sometimes even while moving (symptom of lack of synovial fluid)ligaments or cycling mobility
  • Thickening of the bone under the hyaline layer
  • Defining the tissues surrounding the diseased bee

These symptoms determine the different stages of the disease, about which the symptoms will be described below. But let's get back to the reasons.

The reasons here, in addition to the effects of injuries, are hidden inside.

Reasons for cycle time

Because some people create early cartilage tissue deficiency, it's hard to tell.

It is generally believed that the blame is the added exchange of substances, in which the metabolism of important amino acids and microelements is lost or honey is needed.

These are the wines for the following reasons:

  1. Certain diseases of the immune system(for example, peumatoid aptpitis)
  2. How you feel about yourself:Full-fledged sport and movement containing a full spectrum of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, nutrition is often moved by people to go, veryaway (here)
  3. Even from birth, a modified natural balance, the so-called inherited reasons. It's easy enough to make sure of the genetic default position: see what your grandparents and grandmothers are and ask them what their ailments are
  4. Out of date hormonal balance:Especially such violations affect the female organism during the period of deficiency of estrogen, an important hormone, necessary for octeosynthesis. Not in vain is a large part of the victims of apthrosis - women of perfect maturity, when you still cannot start, but you already have wisdom, that is, the cost is "more than 50"
  5. Medical conditions:Often these effects are combined with venous insufficiency, venous thrombosis, and other diseases
  6. Psychic state:If you think that stress only opposes mood, you are wrong: stress can inhibit metabolism to the state of anabiosis
  7. The aptosa factor is too large

What are the same symptoms that make you suspect of this unfortunate pathology?

Staged deletion symptoms

Symptoms of osteoarthritis.

First stage

In the first stage, the following symptoms occur:

  • Slightly painful after a long walk, climbing the ladder, etc. download
  • Peace of mind after resting
  • There is no deviation in the knee, but it may be slightly swollen due to fluid accumulation - this phenomenon is called blue.
  • The fluid can be collected even on the back: a subtle hole that forms an acid, which is often taken up by fiery people
  • The cyst is usually easy to digest after treatment with injections ofNSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or glucocorticosteroids

    Second stage

    In the second stage, the following things are noted:

    • Increased pain after exercise and movement and the appearance of a characteristic mushroom scab
    • Improve your physical condition
    • Movement up to a push or even up to 90 degrees is supported by a pain symptom, which is so strong that it will make it impossible to complete it
    • Due to the onset of deformations, the bones become moreand thicker; this can be determined by feeling
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    Stage type

    In the third stage, which is already defined as the late deformed deposit of a bicycle, the symptoms appear:

    • Permanent pain, which does not pass even at night: Colenoe moans and curls, especially in cold and raw weather
    • Slow decrease in range of motion: no more than 90 degrees, or less
    • Change of walk:
      • the patient begins to growl, walks slowly with his hot legs, smoking
      • walking on the steps is especially difficult
    • Strong visible deformation with a cycling mix; because of this, the legs take the shape of the letter "X" or "O" (such ideas have the effect of valgus).
    • At this stage, it is bad, as a rule, it is already completely destroyed, and in the packages occification (ossification) is taking place
    • Subsequently, the surface of the cycle becomes calcium deposits, so the wheel takes on a violent irregular appearance
    • Due to the strong deformations and the lack of blue fluid, the movement of the knee is extremely painful
    • Gradually develops almost total knee immobility - late depopulation of the deforming knee cycle

    Treatment of gonaprosis

    The treatment of this disease is complex and lengthy, effective only in the early stages. In recent years, conservative treatment only plays a state of relief from the patient's condition.

    An important preliminary step is diagnostics.

    Diagnose and determine if the cause of pain is injury or abnormalities, it is better if you use a pentogen or MPT in the cycler.

    Aptpoz is diagnosed, if observed:

    • dysfunction or lack of cartilage
    • small space between cyct and capcylo.

    Conceptual treatment

    If necessary, an important treatment condition:

    • Light load and rest mode compliance
    • Take analgesics (in case of severe pain, in the form of intracyclic injections)
    • In the third and fourth stages of aptrosa, cyclic fluid injections are also used
    • The following types of physical therapy are effective during gonapotosis:
      • UVT (free wave therapy)
      • electrical optimization
      • needle therapy
      • magnetotherapy
      • radiofrequency therapy, etc.
    Repair treatment

    Reconstructive treatment

    To avoid further contractility and immobility, knee loading should start to do a good job after the late storms have subsided.

    There is also a long-term cyclical process to replace the natural components of cartilage: the preparation hoses.

    Note: In the third stage, it is impossible to cure aptrosis of the pulmonary cycle with the help of chondroprotectors.

    Don't follow unreasonable advertisements and don't waste money on expensive and useless drugs.

    Hypyrgic treatment

    Effective treatment of surgical-only morbidity: replacement of lost cycling function with stents.

    But remember:

    • with his age, the proposal goes slow
    • after the operation there may be pain during the year
    • long-term treatment with mechanical therapy and complex exercise therapy is necessary

    If a patient refuses a surgical operation, conservative maintenance treatment is prescribed, the purpose of which is to fight